Get Excited!

Get Excited! As the owner or manager of a retail store, you must lead by example. Lead with enthusiasm and let your attitude spread. If you are upbeat and excited about the day, customers, sales games and incentives; your employees will be positive and excited. Conversely, if you’re somber and lack excitement, you will send…

Create a Better Shopping Experience

Create a Better Shopping Experience With stiff competition from online retailers, brick-and-mortar stores must compete on the total shopping experience to create loyal customers. This class will share proven ways to delight customers, add value, and creatively convert shopping to sales. Learn to deliver on the promise of an exceptional experience, combat showrooming, empower employees,…

Inventory Control

Inventory Control Inventory control is a key component in running a lean and profitable business. This program will give you the skills needed to tighten logistics, manage cycle counts and gain a renewed sense of control over your inventory. Don’t fall victim to inaccuracies or be overrun with frustration when orders aren’t placed for needed…