pool water testing software

Pool Water Testing Software Goes Mobile for Superior Customer Service

In today’s competitive marketplace, pool and spa retailers need to make the most of every customer interaction. Some of the most valuable customer interactions happen at the water testing station. Savvy retailers improve their customer service by integrating their pool water testing software with business software to save time at the water testing station and the register.

profit margins on pools

Increase Profit Margins on Pools with Tight Control of Costs and Inventory

As pool businesses are frantically keeping up with the demand for new pool construction and renovation, many pool businesses struggle to track their actual costs to ensure high-profit margins on each pool job. Unfortunately, with widespread shortages in supplies, backorders, and fluctuating prices across all areas of the pool and spa industry, businesses need to keep tighter control of inventory and ensure that product mark-ups are high enough so that profit margins on all jobs will cover both the company’s overhead and marketing costs

Six Pool Service CRM Software Features to Help Retailers

The biggest difference between you and your competition is always going to be customer service. It’s what truly seals the deal and solidifies your client’s complete experience. You could have the best tools on the market, but customers may be negatively influenced by your product if they aren’t receiving proper care from your team – especially in this new digital age, as a result of the global pandemic.

water testing software

COVID Creativity: Mobile Pool and Spa Water Testing Software

While the pandemic has created challenges for pool and spa retailers, it has also created opportunities for “out of the box” thinking. Business owners have had to quickly develop new programs that create additional revenue streams. One idea that emerged for several retailers is using mobile water testing software to provide professional, at-home, poolside water testing. This way, customers don’t have to bring water samples into the retail store.

pool service reporting software

How Your Pool & Spa Business Can Harness Data to Boost Sales

Although it might feel like your pool and spa business doesn’t need to boost sales during this pandemic surge in demand, being able to harness the power of this business boom is key to long-term growth and revenue. One of the most valuable things your business can do is capture and harness data through pool service reporting software in order to target specific customers for specific offers.