Danny the Desk Sitter
As the off season approaches, we realize that our employees who are working the winter months will not have near the customers as they do in peak season. Do you have a Danny working for you? Is it really okay that we pay our staff over the winter to sit at a desk and read, text, or talk on the phone? Is there really nothing to do? Ah contraire.
There are plenty of things to do over the winter. You just need to make a big list, separate it by qualified staff member, give them some timelines and then follow up to ensure they are doing them. You are paying them to be there and work, so by all means, make them work.
So, what can they do? I am sure you can come up with hundreds of ideas, but here are some to start with:
1. Preparation for year end inventory (Read our previous blog)
2. Cleaning: Make a detailed list and break it down and share it amongst multiple people so one person is not doing it all. The off season is a great time for a cleaning overhaul.
- Empty the parts bins and wash them out – replace the bags and tags on old looking parts so they sell better. If parts are pegged on a wall, reorganize them so they are lined up better and are more organized.
- Wipe down all of the shelves, products, chemicals and buckets
- Use a shop vac around the edges of the store, offices, bathroom
- Rent a scrubber and do the carpets
- Clean out and organized the counters and lab, cabinets, supply shelves, desks
- Clean all of the light fixtures and vents
3. Organize all supplies, inventory what you have, and list what you will need for the upcoming season
4. Clean up old shelf tags that are out of place
5. Review chemical maintenance calendars and troubleshooting forms to tighten the text and make updates
6. Clean up your POS data:
- Combine duplicate customers
- Combine duplicate parts and make them alternates
- Fix inventory item descriptions to read better for customer understanding on the receipts
- Make sure all items in inventory have their barcode number assigned in the system
7. Add information that may be missing in your POS data
- Related items
- General information
- Automated Profile Question set up
- Request to download Material Safety Data Sheets and attach to all chemicals
- Re-order Min/Max numbers
8. Update or create training manuals for new hires (or current staff’s review)
9. Review customer reports to determine lost customers or customers at risk for targeting mailings
10. Order literature and catalogs from vendors for the upcoming season
11. Going off of the Slow Movers Reports, determine clearance items for the upcoming season.
It is extremely important that you match the skill set of the employee to the task, and make very detailed lists so that there is no misconception about what you need accomplished for each job. Review the lists individually in person to verify the employees understanding. Too much information is better than “not enough” information.